
Thursday, September 29, 2005


I'm still trying to figure out if the duragesic is going to work. Meanwhile, I'm throwing up all the time, sleeping a whole lot and generally not feeling too good, because of the side effects. I'm still in alot of pain,too. But, there is one good thing that's happened out of all of this. I don't wake up with the migraines anymore. That's a joy. A real joy.

So, I talked to the doc's assistant yesterday and they're going to really increase the dosage of the duragesic. And, here's something really cool, they're refilling my prescription for dilaudid. That medicine completely dispels the pain for several hours. It's a miracle drug. I mean, it makes me pretty ditzy, but so what? I'd rather be a little forgetful than to be in pain. Now, if it made me totally stupid like the neurontin did, I would hate that and wouldn't take it.

This doctor is so cool. He doesn't make me feel like a loser for needing these meds, which are narcotics, by the way. He doesn't make me beg for help. He's just really, really cool with me.

Anyway, if I'm not leaving alot of blogs right now, that's why. I just have to get used to the side effects. I'm told that the sleepiness goes away after awhile, so then I'll be more alert and able to post.

I'm able to do it right now, because I'm out of my duragesic for a couple of days until I get the new prescription in the mail. I'm getting over the flu right now, so I'm not feeling so hot today and then, of course, a migraine started up, but I took dilauded right away. I just decided that I couldn't deal with both problems today. Anyway, so that's how I'm doing.


At 11:15 PM, Blogger Jessica said...


I agree wholeheartedly. And, I think in any profession where you deal with people, to be the best at it, you HAVE to be a good listener. AND you have to be someone that listens to understand and not just listens so they can plan their next comment.

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At 12:52 PM, Blogger seocom said...

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