
Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Mixed Results, So Far

Well, I put the patch on my lower back on Monday, late afternoon. I've now woken up two mornings in a row without a migraine. I've been able to sleep pretty solidly, once I go to bed, too. I think the patch is starting to work.

Now, Monday, I did have to use the dilauded, but that was moot, because it just didn't do anything for me at 4mg in the pill form. It was completely different than getting the injections. Bummer, right?

Tuesday, I was fine until about 1:30 pm. Then it came on pretty strong, so I decided to cheat with the dilauded and take two pills at once, instead of taking one every three hours. Guess what? It worked. I was completely pain free, only somewhat groggy, and I stayed pain free for the rest of the day! It was so awesome! I could feel the depression lift as the pain lifted. It was like a heavy coat was being taken off of me.

The only downside to the duragesic, so far, is the horrendous nausea. I've been dry-heaving and throwing up. You know what, though? I'm fine with that. I'd take no head pain and overwhelming nausea any day of the week. I have phenergan which I just took. I don't like to take it during the day, because it makes me fall asleep and I don't like to sleep during the day, or when Olivia's at home with me, because I'm always worried that if there were an emergency, I wouldn't be aware of it. I'd rather keep rushing to the toi every 20 minutes instead. But, after she's in bed, I have no problem with taking the med and it works really well.

The other s/e the duragesic has is to make you extremely sleepy, but I only experienced that yesterday. Today, I wasn't tired at all. I feel really good about this.

Now, if I could just get my neck to loosen up. It's really stiff and I think it's making things worse. But, really, I'm very happy about this stuff so far. I hope it continues to be effective and that I'm not just having a couple of good days. I get a good day or two about every 6 or 7 months.